Sunday, October 5, 2014

GREAT NEWS!!!  THE OFFICE (and most of LOS CABOS) in OPEN FOR BUSINESS and (like always!) READY TO TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOU.... Thanks to Los Cabos Guide and Los Cabos Magazine for their usual great job of serving up reliable information!  Here is the LINK: Showing current info for most everything in Cabo.  Come on down!!!

Saturday, October 4, 2014


Cabo is OPEN FOR BUSINESS!  Contact me for the most current information about hotels and lodging of all kinds as well as restaurants and activities up and running... and 877-909-CABO (2226)

Hurricane Odile has come and gone!

    Before your very eyes....thanks to a massive and well coordinated commitment by the Mexican government and our incredible people...stores open, gas available, electricity and phone lines mostly working.

    Cabo's Hotels, Bars and Resorts Reopening After Odile

    Date Published:
    We are receiving lots of inquiries about the current state of individual hotels, bars, resorts and services in general with many people anxious to know if Los Cabos will be back in business for upcoming vacations. We can't possibly answer these requests on behalf of each business but here we can report on those that we do have information on. With international news agencies typically eager to focus on the negative impact of Odile, we feel it is only fair to redress the balance and show that Cabo is re-opening for business - much quicker than expected in many cases.